TAKUYA’s original taiko album ‘Beautiful Colours’ is now available on the following major streaming services

    TAKUYA’s original taiko album ‘Beautiful Colours’ is now available on the following major streaming services: iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Deezer and Tidal!
    Played all the parts of Odaiko, Okedo taiko and Shime taiko. They are all original songs recorded in London December 2019.

    Download from the links ↓

    TYCONIST(タイコニスト)| TAKUYA

    TYCONIST(タイコニスト)| TAKUYA
    SACD/Download/Hi-Res DL : 2015.06.24 Release

    【SACD Hybrid】 COGQ-77 ¥3,240(TAX IN)
    【DL】¥1,800(TAX IN) 【24bit/96kHz】¥3,000(TAX IN)
    【24bit/192kHz】¥3,000(TAX IN) 【5.6MHz DSD】¥3,500(TAX IN)

    1   ひらく  PROLOGUE
    2   囃  HAYASE
    3   OVER 冂
    4   沙流  SARYU
    5   山神  YAMAGAMI
    6   霹靂  KAMI-TOKI
    7   炎桂燈  HOMURA-KEITOU
    8   むすび  EPILOGUE

    TAKUYA(O-Daiko, Taiko Set, Gong, Noise Maker, Voice)
    Hoppy Kamiyama (Digital president, Slide Geisha, Scum Tape from the Garbage, Gram-Pot)
    Natsuki Kido(E.Guitar, A.Guitar)
    Saguaro a.k.a Hiroaki Sugawara(6 strings Voo Doo Booster, Psychic Monitor with Power PC)
    Kizan Kawamura(Bamboo Flute/Shakuhachi)
    Akihisa Tsuboy(Violin)
    Mitsuru Nasuno(Bass)
    Mika Taniguchi, Kento Ueda, Kana Miyagawa, Mao Uesaka(Also the singing for EPILOGUE)